Iowa Sends Its Love

Right, so forget all the recent posts and let’s set the way-back machine to last Friday.  After work I snuggled all the Airbnb bonus pets one last time and loaded up the bike.  Packing the bike is not a quick process, I don’t feel like I even have all that much stuff but it takes me a solid 20 minutes even after the luggage is all packed.  So much for traveling light!

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The Welcoming Badlands

New week’s resolution: post more frequent and smaller posts.  I’ll try to back-fill the journey here, but now it’s Monday, I’m in a shockingly nice room in a motel near the Badlands in South Dakota.  The giant window is open allowing cool, dry western air to breeze in.  This weekend’s driving involved a rain of bugs, a torrent of actual rain (with bonus lightning), leaking coolant in the middle of nowhere and hours of driving in 40-50mph wind.  So sitting here finishing my lunch late in a calm working day seems a bit surreal.

Home for this week
Home for this week

Madison, Wisconsin

When last we left off, I was stumbling out of House on the Rock feeling dazed and slightly in love.  My plan was to leave here and motor over to Madison to check into my Airbnb.  Except that a couple of miles down the highway I see a sign for “Frank Lloyd Wright Center”.  Britt had just told me the day before to check out Taliesin, so I took an educated guess, slammed on the brakes and pulled in.

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House on the Rock II: Vidjas

This is me experimenting with video.  I suspect WordPress doesn’t natively handle streaming, so you’ll probably have to download each of these in full.  Sorry, it’s going to be a pain.  But if you just can’t get enough of House on the Rock, here are a few random videos.  I am very new to taking video (and especially editing it), so this is Amateur Hour 101.

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First Leg: Cincinnati to St. Joseph to Wisconsin

Leaving CincinnatiOn Friday morning I packed up all my gear and started my journey by heading west.  You can see here a photo my mother took as I was headed off.  The new light bar is looking good!

The plan was to leave Cincinnati and head up towards Indianapolis and continue heading west and a bit north until I arrived at my friends Britt & Nate’s house, a few towns over the border in Illinois.

Britt had the day off, and I wanted to start my trip off by being able to see the countryside and not take interstates the whole way.  So I took a vacation day and rode country highways up.  It was a beautiful drive; I hadn’t noticed it as much in Cincinnati but out in the country fall has begun.  The trees haven’t turned, but one of the common crops (soybeans?) have started taking on a beautiful golden hue.

Continue reading “First Leg: Cincinnati to St. Joseph to Wisconsin”

Ohio Rides

Motorbike nerds sometimes share “ride reports”, basically excuses to recount the details of your ride and post mediocre pictures of interesting places (ok maybe that’s just me).  I expect to be writing these with some regularity, so if you find this boring you might just want to skip over future “ride report” categories.  This post is a combination of three rides I took recently while hanging out in Cincinnati, Ohio.  One followed the Ohio River to the east, one towards the rural heart of Ohio and one south into Kentucky.

Continue reading “Ohio Rides”


Perhaps it’s in our blood, maybe it’s just in our history, but surely it’s in the American vein to head out for some other place when home becomes intolerable, or merely even when the distant side of the beyond seems a lure we can’t resist.

William Least Heat-Moon, blue highways

I’ve been idling before the start of this journey, spending the past month with family before embarking.  A couple of days ago I picked my departure date: I’m wheels down this Friday, heading a couple of states away to Illinois to visit friends there.  I’ll be riding for the next several months with only whatever fits on my scooter, working during the week (I work remotely) and slowly heading out to San Diego, where I’ll turn around and head back.  That’s the entirety of my plan.

I am not an adventurous person.  I have never done more than an overnight trip on a motorbike.  I am a cautious, quiet introvert.  Even though I’ve been considering the idea of this trip for nearly a year, once the date was set I spent the past couple of nights tossing and turning; this seems a poor idea.  I look at books on my parents’ shelves and think, “those would be nice to read!”  I watch the midewest’s slow turn from summer to fall and think, “I love this time of year!”

But opportunities like this are rare.  And it’s nowhere near as crazy as, say, moving to China for over a year.

See you on the road.