So this blog ended not with a bang but more of a whimper. Which, as anyone who rides on two wheels can assure you, is a bit of a relief. I stopped updating this when I started spending all my time in Phoenix looking for a new house. It’s now months later, and time to close up shop.
We interrupt this exploration of various nations to bring you this important and fascinating topic: all the gear I haul around. This is mainly for scooter nerds and another Chris, because they asked. I found similar lists useful when I was packing for this trip, so here’s my list of gear if you’re planning on traveling only by motorbike for months on end. Which, honestly, is an awesome idea.
Highlights: even if you aren’t planing a trip like this, look into travel underwear and a cheap pocketknife. They will improve your life.
If you take I-8 near San Diego you pass through many miles mountains. On the western side of them, overlooking the desert floor below, is Desert Tower.
Shanghai really is an incredible city, and Trip Planner Extraordinaire Wittmer had booked us another couple of days there. A last chance to hang out, drink milk cheese tea and explore a massive city.
People make art here! The community has a lot of a functional, sometimes industrial, production going on. If you’ve, say, seen Christy’s art, you probably know that’s not how she rolls. The mold maker nicknamed her “trouble” because he never knows what crazy thing she’s going to ask him to make a mold of.
Butterflies in a coffee shop in the Pottery Workshop during the Creative Market.
Jingdezhen is where Christy lives and works this year. It’s an industrial city, a quick plane ride from Shanghai, and has a long and proud history of making some of the world’s finest porcelain and art. If you think of an ancient Chinese blue and white vase, produced from the Imperial Kilns, you’re probably thinking of something that came from Jingdezhen. We spent just under two weeks here; Christy getting back into her working routine me making a nuisance of myself and learning as much as I could about her current home.
A plaza in Jingdezhen – it can be hard to know where to look.